Capping this strangest and sorest of times, Howlin Rain returns with its sixth studio album, 'The Dharma Wheel', due for release on Friday 8th October, via founding member Ethan Miller's own Silver Current Records, and the title track, a 16-minute multi-movement suite, is today's Video Of The Day. A 52-minute dive into a joyous fantasy realm of exaggerated present, it's one of six tracks that cycles from Crazy Horse-meets-Traffic jams through colossal, mass-moving Funk stomp, eventually cresting and washing into a sing-along Gospel lament. Indeed, over nearly 20 years, Howlin Rain have become the quintessential independent American Rock 'n' Roll band: a steam-spitting Hydra of cranked guitars, kicking asphalt dust through a kaleidoscoping travelogue of desert motels and dives, volleying forth transmissions of Sci-Fi poetry from the blacktop veins of this cracked and aching country.
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