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Piston Interview 21/7/21

"Guitarist Jack Edwards sports a beautiful Gretsch White Falcon (apparently inspired by Bill Duffy) through a modern Kemper modelling amp whilst fellow six stringer Luke Allatt takes the more traditional Fender/Vox approach. With Stuart Egan on bass and Brad Newlands on drums the line up is complete. Fun and Fire in equal measures, this is a fist pumping, chest beating forty minutes of Rock joy. They get a lot of love from the crowd who chant along and cheer with gusto. Their own tracks – 'Rainmaker', 'One More Day' and 'Leave If You Dare' are awesome but it is their closing cover of CCR’s 'Proud Mary', rocked up to feck, that has me beaming and screaming along with them. What a great band. Keep an eye on this lot." That was part of our Piston Ramblin' Man Fair review exactly two years ago today, and after their set, Mother caught up with the band for an interview, which is today's Podcast Of The Day.


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